Man, I love destashing. I've got all this money to buy more yarn pay off some of the vet bill. (Status update: Brodie is fine, but still dumb. The "he's still a puppy" excuse didn't really stick - he's 14 months now. We kind of have to just go with "he's kinda dumb". But dammit he's so cute...)
Okay, I am shaping up to be the suckiest Secret Pal ever this round. I don't know what is wrong with me. First of all, I didn't get my package off nearly as early as I'd planned. Then I sent her something she specifically stated she DIDN'T like (but which had stuck in my head as a favorite, for some reason.) I think she's going to hate me. And she has nut allergies, so I'm afraid to send periodic mailings of chocolate in order to assure her that I'm really a decent person. (Good Lord, nut allergies must suck. Everything is made on or near nuts. You can't even buy freaking SNEAKERS without a warning that they may make your feet explode if you can't handle peanuts.)
I'm spinning up some Spritely Goods that I got from Pure Knits. (Sorry about that forty cents, Yahaira - coincidence, I swear...I'll be back for the yak!)
I'm going back out of town today, headed south to be with my surrogate family again. I'll be away until Sunday, and while I'm gone, I'll be getting started on those socks for Dad. (Is it weird to knit the pattern "Boyfriend Socks" for your father? I feel kinda strange about it.) Yes, I know - Eleanora. I have good reason for putting those aside on this trip though, I swear.
I never did share the last few photos from our trip to North Carolina. On the way back we darted through Savannah (Travis has never seen it) and ate lunch at a place on the waterfront. (Mmmm....all-you-can-eat snow crab legs....) We were in a hurry to get back to Florida, so we saw virtually nothing - but we did stop for a couple of photos:

Here we are along....some river.

The now-finished Bell & Whistle with a really nifty fountain.

A li'l tugboat! It's not tugging, though. (Lazy bastard.) Anyone remember Little Toot, the Silly Symphony (Melody Time?) with the little cartoon tugboat? I LOVED that one. (Featured the Andrews Sisters, I'll have you know.)
Have a good weekend! Happy knitting!